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Navigation APIs

next-intl provides drop-in replacements for common Next.js navigation APIs that automatically handle the user locale behind the scenes.


There are two strategies that you can use based on your needs.

Shared pathnames: The simplest case is when your app uses the same pathnames, regardless of the locale.

For example:

  • /en/about
  • /de/about

Localized pathnames: Many apps choose to localize pathnames, especially when search engine optimization is relevant. In this case, you'll provide distinct pathnames based on the user locale.

For example:

  • /en/about
  • /de/ueber-uns

Note: The terms "shared" and "localized" pathnames are used to refer to pathnames that are created via the file-system based routing in Next.js. If you're using an external system like a CMS to localize pathnames, you'll typically implement this with a catch-all route like [locale]/[[...slug]].

Each strategy will provide you with corresponding navigation APIs that you'll typically provide in a central module to easily access them in components (e.g. src/navigation.ts).

Strategy 1: Shared pathnames

With this strategy, the pathnames of your app are identical for all locales. This is the simplest case, because the routes you define in Next.js will map directly to the pathnames that a user can request.

To create navigation APIs for this strategy, use the createSharedPathnamesNavigation function:

import {createSharedPathnamesNavigation} from 'next-intl/navigation';
export const locales = ['en', 'de'] as const;
export const localePrefix = 'always'; // Default
export const {Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter} =
  createSharedPathnamesNavigation({locales, localePrefix});

The locales as well as the localePrefix argument is identical to the configuration that you pass to the middleware. You might want to share these values via a central configuration to keep them in sync.

import createMiddleware from 'next-intl/middleware';
import {locales, localePrefix} from './navigation';
export default createMiddleware({
  defaultLocale: 'en',
// ...
What if the locales aren't known at build time?

In case you're building an app where locales can be added and removed at runtime, you can omit the locales argument from createSharedPathnamesNavigation. The locale that can be passed to APIs like Link will now accept any string as a valid value.

Note however that the locales argument for the middleware is mandatory. You can however create the middleware dynamically on a per-request basis and provide the locales argument e.g. after fetching this from a database.

Strategy 2: Localized pathnames

When using this strategy, you have to provide distinct pathnames for every locale that your app supports. However, the localized variants will be handled by a single route internally, therefore a mapping needs to be provided that is also consumed by the middleware.

You can use the createLocalizedPathnamesNavigation function to create corresponding navigation APIs:

import {
} from 'next-intl/navigation';
export const locales = ['en', 'de'] as const;
export const localePrefix = 'always'; // Default
// The `pathnames` object holds pairs of internal
// and external paths, separated by locale.
export const pathnames = {
  // If all locales use the same pathname, a
  // single external path can be provided.
  '/': '/',
  '/blog': '/blog',
  // If locales use different paths, you can
  // specify each external path per locale.
  '/about': {
    en: '/about',
    de: '/ueber-uns'
  // Dynamic params are supported via square brackets
  '/news/[articleSlug]-[articleId]': {
    en: '/news/[articleSlug]-[articleId]',
    de: '/neuigkeiten/[articleSlug]-[articleId]'
  // Also (optional) catch-all segments are supported
  '/categories/[...slug]': {
    en: '/categories/[...slug]',
    de: '/kategorien/[...slug]'
} satisfies Pathnames<typeof locales>;
export const {Link, redirect, usePathname, useRouter, getPathname} =
  createLocalizedPathnamesNavigation({locales, localePrefix, pathnames});

The arguments locales, localePrefix as well as pathnames are identical to the configuration that you pass to the middleware. You might want to share these values via a central configuration to make sure they stay in sync.

import createMiddleware from 'next-intl/middleware';
import {locales, localePrefix, pathnames} from './navigation';
export default createMiddleware({
  defaultLocale: 'en',
// ...

Have a look at the App Router example (opens in a new tab) to explore a working implementation of localized pathnames.



This component wraps next/link (opens in a new tab) and automatically prefixes the href with the either the current locale or a locale the user is switching to as necessary.

import {Link} from '../navigation';
// When the user is on `/en`, the link will point to `/en/about`
<Link href="/about">About</Link>
// You can override the `locale` to switch to another language
<Link href="/" locale="de">Switch to German</Link>
// Dynamic params need to be interpolated into the pathname
<Link href="/users/12">Susan</Link>


If you need to navigate programmatically, e.g. in an event handler, next-intl provides a convience API that wraps useRouter from Next.js (opens in a new tab) and automatically applies the locale of the user.

'use client';
import {useRouter} from '../navigation';
const router = useRouter();
// When the user is on `/en`, the router will navigate to `/en/about`
// You can override the `locale` to switch to another language
router.replace('/about', {locale: 'de'});
// Dynamic params need to be interpolated into the pathname
router.push('/users/12', {locale: 'de'});
How can I change the locale for the current page?

By combining usePathname with useRouter, you can change the locale for the current page programmatically.

'use client';
import {usePathname, useRouter} from '../navigation';
const pathname = usePathname();
const router = useRouter();
router.replace(pathname, {locale: 'de'});


To retrieve the pathname without a potential locale prefix, you can call usePathname.

'use client';
import {usePathname} from '../navigation';
// When the user is on `/en`, this will be `/`
const pathname = usePathname();


If you want to interrupt the render and redirect to another page, you can invoke the redirect function. This wraps the redirect function from Next.js (opens in a new tab) and automatically applies the current locale.

import {redirect} from '../navigation';
// When the user is on `/en`, this will be `/en/login`
// Dynamic params need to be interpolated into the pathname


If you need to construct a particular pathname based on a locale, you can call the getPathname function. This can for example be useful to retrieve a canonical link (opens in a new tab) for a page that accepts search params.

(This API is only available for localized pathnames, since it is not necessary for shared pathnames.)